Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
We can read in Ephesians 2:1 that “we are dead in trespasses and sins”. A dead person cannot do anything, let alone save himself. This is why we need a savior, and not only any savior, but a GREAT SAVIOR. As Vernon Mcgee wrote:
“God cannot saved us through our own perfection because we are dead, we cannot offer it. God cannot save us by imperfection because He cannot lower His standard. You see? We belong to a lost race. That is the predicament of humanity. That is the problem of the human family. We like to think that the problem is somewhere else, in someone else’s heart, but it is right in our own hearts. Out of the heart proceed all the evil things. The world is polluted. It is not only the rivers and the air; the human heart is polluted. God has to judge. Men are sinners and need a Savior. Many people don’t like to hear that. Many churches today have become liberal, and liberalism is based on weakness. The men in the pulpit do not have the courage to stand up and tell people that they are sinners and need a Savior. Of course, it is an unpopular message. All of us would rather be flattered. But it is God’s decree, and it stands unalterable. It means eternal death to ignore it.”
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