February 10, 2025

Eagle Eye Community



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Do you know that the Bible tells us that there are two worlds created by God? This article will revolve around them. In fact, everything about the story of Man – our creation, our composition, the original sin, our fall, our redemption and our Glorification revolves around these two worlds. That is why it is very important for you to read this article. This revelation has blessed me a lot. I hope it will be a blessing to you too.

Let’s start.


The creation of two worlds started with a loving God Who wanted to create His Wife – His counterpart, the Queen (Isa.54:5) to Whom He could bestow all of His love. Now, if you are a loving God, it is impossible for you not to create because love can only be manifested through giving and giving can only be done if there is someone to whom you can give that love with (John 15:13, John 3:16). And this is why our Lord God creates.

When our Lord created, He did not readily create His Wife, instead, He prepared everything first for Her. This is because our Lord is a master of preparation (John 14:3, Eph. 2:10). I must emphasize here now that the Queen that our Lord will going to make is no other than His ultimate creation – Man (Rev. 21). It is us. Before He created His Queen, He prepares first everything for Her. In God’s order of creation, His ultimate creation is always created last (e.g. Adam was created on the 6th day after everything was created first.)

So the first thing that our Lord God did for His Wife was to create the two worlds: the Heaven and the Earth (Gen. 1:1) of which He will bestow to Her as the owner and the possessor of them. This is also written in Hebrews 1:2

The Heaven and the Earth created by God in Genesis 1:1, are two different kinds of worlds or realms. Heaven is what we call the Spiritual world while Earth is the Physical world or the Universe (when Gen. 1:1 says “God created the heaven and the earth” of course He also created the Angels in Heaven. He also created the Sun, Planets, stars, galaxies and everything that is in the universe. But He did not mention them, He only mentioned Heaven and Earth. This is why Earth here symbolizes the physical world or the whole universe and not only the literal planet Earth. And Heaven here is the whole Spiritual world.) It is the Heaven (Spiritual world) which was first created and then followed by Earth (Physical world) (Gen. 1:1).

These two worlds are opposite to one another.


The Physical world is made up of matter whose building blocks are the atoms of the elements. Therefore, it is ever-changing. If there is one thing that is constant in the Physical world, it is no other than change. However, the Spiritual world is the opposite. It is made of Truth, that is why it does not change (2 Cor. 4:18).

Another opposite quality of these two worlds is that, the Physical world is restricted by space and time. You cannot go to other places here without subjecting yourself to the laws of space and time. Meaning, that you cannot go from one place to another place without traveling the space-time continuum to which this world was created. Also, you cannot go through solid walls or close doors. You are restricted by space and time. But the Spiritual world is different. You are not restricted by space and time. You can travel there without subjecting yourself to the law of space and time. You can be in another place without the need to travel time and space. You can also pass through solid walls.

Lastly, the Physical world was created in order to be the habitation of physical beings while the Spiritual world is a habitation by spiritual beings (we will discuss about these beings in the succeeding parts.)

Even though these two worlds have opposite qualities, they still complement each other. This is because according to the Bible, the physical is made from the spiritual. All things that can be seen are made from the things that can’t be seen as written in Hebrews 11:3:

This is also the reason why the physical types the spiritual and the spiritual are seen in the physical (1 Cor. 15:46). Therefore, in order for us to better understand the Spiritual world, we need look at the Physical world.

Both worlds were made by the Word (John 1:3). They were created perfect and in good condition in order to be inhabited. Not until the Physical world was destroyed and conquered by Satan and his angels.


There are two kinds of beings created by God in order to inhabit the two worlds. They are the Physical beings and the Spiritual beings.

Physical beings are created to inhabit the physical world – like the animals. Animals have physical bodies designed by God to access the physical world. They don’t have a spirit which is why they cannot access the Spiritual world. Our Lord has also given them a Soul (mind, will and emotion) so that you can see them angry, frustrated, happy and other emotions that we can see, although their way of expressing them is different from ours. They have their mind and will which is dependent on the purpose of the Lord for them. For example, a Dung Beetle always loves dungs while a bee doesn’t want dung but loves nectar. A Pig always loves to wallow in mud but you cannot see a cat who loves mud. They cannot go against their nature. Our Lord had set a will in their soul that is limited to their purpose in the Physical world so that the purpose of God for them will be fulfilled. If for example a Bee will go against the nature set by God to it and will no longer wants the nectar from flowers, it will lose its purpose and will eventually die. Their will is limited to their purpose.

The same is true in the Spiritual world. It is inhabited by Spiritual beings called Angels (Heb. 1:14). Unlike the animals, Angels have spirits but they don’t have a body. They were created to inhabit the Spiritual world. Our Lord has also given them a soul for the purpose of serving Him. They will be servants of the Lord especially in administering spiritual things. But there is one Angel whom our Lord has given a greater free-will compared to other angels in order for him to be the greatest servant of our Lord. He is no other than Lucifer, the angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14).

Before we delve into the story of Lucifer, I must emphasize that these are the two kinds of beings created to inhabit the Physical and the Spiritual worlds. But God’s creation will not only end with animals and angels. There will be a Third Being. This third being will be the ultimate creation of God. He will have both the Body and a Spirit. He will be the possessor of both Heaven and Earth. He will become the Bride of Christ – the Queen. And Lucifer knows this. That’s why he will prevent it from happening.


Lucifer was given the greatest wisdom and beauty among the angels. He “sealeth up the sum” in these two areas (Eze. 28:12). Now, you should know that our free-will (our ability to choose and decide) is directly proportional to our wisdom or knowledge. For example, if you will ask a man to choose between the Spiritual world and the Physical world and that man has still no experience about the Spiritual world, that man will definitely not decide to choose the Spiritual world because he has no knowledge about it. He will always choose the Physical world to which he has more knowledge about. But if you will ask the Apostle John or the other saints of God who have experienced the Spiritual world, they will definitely choose It. This is because they have knowledge about it. This is how our free-will works. Our free-will or our ability to choose is fully dependent on our knowledge or wisdom of our options. Now, knowledge also means light. That’s why we have the word “enlightened”. This is also why Lucifer was called by the Bible the angel of Light. He has greater wisdom than anyone else.

The Lord has given Lucifer this amount of knowledge in order for Lucifer to choose Him and to become the greatest servant among the angels. He has revealed to him His plans, His ultimate purpose to create His Queen, who will someday possess both Heaven and the Earth. Having these kinds of revelations, it should have humbled Lucifer and become the greatest servant of all. But instead, he wanted to be like God (Isa. 14:14). He wanted also to sit on the throne with God just like God’s Queen. He didn’t want for God to vanish, no, he knew that He could not kill God. What he wants is to introduce another god, and that would be himself. He wanted to have everything that God has (Isa. 14:13-14). If God has a kingdom, he wanted also a kingdom. If God is a King, he wanted also to be a king in his own kingdom. If God has servants, he wanted also to have servants. If God wanted to have a Queen, he also wanted to have a queen. He wanted to be like God in everything. And of course, our Lord God knew all of these before He even created Lucifer. (If you want to know more about this, read the article “WHY DID GOD CREATE LUCIFER.”)

The only hindrance to this plan of Lucifer is, unlike God, he is not a Creator. He cannot create his own kingdom out of nothing. He cannot create his own servants out of nothing. He cannot create his own queen out of nothing. So in order to proceed to his plan of becoming like God, all he can do is to take away all that God has created. In order for him to do this, he needs to be the total opposite of God to have his own kingdom. Because if he still has the nature of God in him, then he cannot become another god. He will still be under God. So he needs to remove all the natures of God in him. If God is Light, he becomes darkness. If God is Life, he became death. If God is Truth, he got rid of all of the truth that is in him and became the father of lies and there is no more Truth in him (John 8:44). This is how Lucifer became Satan, the adversary of God. He became the opposite of God. He then proceeded to his plan of setting up his own kingdom to be like God.


Since he can’t create from nothing, Satan needs to take away what God has created and make them his own. To set up his kingdom, his plan was to conquer first the Earth (Physical world). But he cannot do it alone. In order to conquer it, he needs first to have servants. But since he cannot produce his own angels, he needs to convince other angels to follow him and execute his plan (Rev. 12:4).

We must remember that these angels were created perfect. They are ministering spirits created to serve God (Heb. 1:14). It is impossible for them to be deceived in serving other gods. How then did Satan convince them to serve him? According to Ezekiel 28:15-16 this is what Satan did:

The Hebrew word used for the word “merchandise” is “rkullah” (pronounced as rek-ool-law’) which means “traffic” and “trade”. We all know that the word “traffic” means “to go about from place to place or from person to person”. While the word “trade” means “exchange of goods or services”. From these, the Bible has given us a picture of how Satan convinced one-third of the angels to follow him (Rev. 12:4). He went from angel to angel securing their allegiance to him by trading “something” in exchange for their services. And what is this “something” that Satan has offered to every angel? Let’s read Matthew 4:8-9

You see? Satan promises our Lord Jesus a very high position in exchange for our Lord’s fall down and worshiping him. The “exceeding high mountain” in this verse speaks of how high this position is and how high Satan had exalted himself. It speaks of a very high position where one can see the kingdoms and the glory of the world to which are all under this position.

Satan offered the angels positions for his kingdom. Because angels were created equal by our Lord God, through this merchandise of Satan, an angel can become higher than the rest if he possesses a position. Through this, Satan has destroyed the harmony and equality set by our Lord among his angels. Those angels who want to be higher than the rest, wanted to possess a position. And so they fought one another to have those positions. This is the reason why the verse says “By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence.”

One-third of the angels followed Satan. He then made these angels his followers (tail) and he became their head. And so, the system of the Dragon, or the Serpentine System, also known as the Nicolaitan system, was created (Rev. 12:4). Through this system, Satan has completely destroyed the harmony and equality among angels. The once peaceful and harmonious story of angels was then filled with violence by just the introduction of positions – the merchandise of Satan. This is where iniquity (inequality, injustice) became prevalent among angels.

After successfully getting the allegiance of one-third of the angels, Satan then lead those angels to Earth (Rev. 12:4a) for the purpose of executing his next plan – to conquer Earth.


After garnering followers among the angels, the next step of Satan is to conquer the Physical world – Earth. To conquer Earth, Satan and his angels left the Spiritual world which is their first habitation to go and conquer the Physical world as written in Jude 6:

Remember that angels are spiritual beings which means that they are created to inhabit the Spiritual world. They are intended for the Spiritual world. When a spiritual being leaves the spiritual world of which it is made of, he will die. Death is a separation. It is the cessation of life. The moment those angels leave heaven, they die. Those angels were dead, just like a fish separated from the water to which it is made (Gen. 1:20), a tree separated from the soil (Gen. 1:11), or a man separated from God.

We must remember also that the Spiritual world is made of Truth that’s why it is unchanging (2 Cor. 4:18). The moment those angels leave the Spiritual world, they are also separated from the Truth. This is why, according to John 8:44, there is no truth in Satan, his angels, and his children. From being immortal, they became temporal beings who can die because they left the Truth that gives them life. Once they are thrown to the Lake of Fire, they will cease to exist. The food of every spiritual being should be the Truth, just like it is the food of our spirit. But they left it, and that’s why they became dead spirits with no Truth in them. They cannot partake of the spiritual things anymore. By leaving the Spiritual world, their first estate (Jude 6), Satan completely destroyed the remnants of God among the Angels that he had convinced. There is no more Truth in all of them.

After that, they then execute their next step – to conquer Earth. And they have succeeded in conquering it. Satan became “the god of this world” (2Cor. 4:4). The physical world then became the kingdom of Satan and he became the ruler of it as written in the following verses:

This Physical world became the kingdom of Satan. But one day, this world will be taken over by our Lord as it is written:


After conquering the Physical world, Satan’s next plan was to conquer the Spiritual world. He and his angels went to heaven to conquer it. He wanted to possess the two worlds created by God. They then made war to the inhabitants of the Spiritual world (Rev. 12:7). However, Michael and his angels fought back and defeated them. As a result of their defeat, they can no longer access Heaven. They have no more place in the Spiritual world (Rev. 12:8). They were cut-off from the spiritual world. No matter what they do, they cannot go to the Spiritual world.

Defeated by the heavenly angels, Satan and his angels were cast down to the Physical world (Rev. 12:9-12). This is the time when they became “fallen angels” or demons. Among the two worlds, it was only the Earth (physical world) that was successfully conquered by Satan. This is also the reason why after God created the Heaven and the Earth in Genesis 1:1, we can read in Genesis 1:2 that it was only the Earth that became void, without form and was engulfed by darkness. Heaven on the other hand, was not affected:

Something happened to Earth between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 which is the reason why it was engulfed by darkness. But noticed that Heaven was not affected. This is the time when Satan and His angels conquered and destroyed Earth.

After they were cast down to earth, Satan and his angels formed power and dominions in each region here. In Daniel 10:13, an angel has an instruction to be given to Daniel but the “prince of the Kingdom of Persia” stops him for 21 days. We know that this “prince of Persia” is a demonic being for only a spirit can stop an angelic being. This demon is among the angels that have been cast down here on Earth (Rev. 12:7-12). This demonic being has its dominion in the kingdom of Persia. While in Ezekiel 28:12-18, we can read that Satan was the king of Tyrus. These demonic beings have conquered this Earth and divided it for their regional dominion. And Satan is their king. Persia for example is located in the modern-day Iran and Tryus is the modern-day Lebanon while Iraq is the modern-day Babylon. From the ancient times until now, these regions are the same regions that persecuted Israel. They stir up the same demonically inspired acts today as they did back then.

This is also the reason why Paul told us in Ephesians 6:12:

Satan and his demons formed dominions, power and authorities in this world. These are our enemies today. These authorities are created in order to prevent us from doing the will of God. They wanted to subdue us.

From then on, Satan became the ruler of this world (Physical world). Then Satan began destroying Earth and its inhabitants (Rev. 12:12). The purpose of Satan why he wanted to destroy Earth is to prevent God from creating Man, who is the ultimate creation of God, who will also become His Queen. Earth was intended to be inhabited by Man but Satan does not want it to happen. So he destroyed Earth. But of course, Satan cannot prevent God from fulfilling His plans.

Although Satan failed in conquering the spiritual world, it did not stop him from trying. Later in the story of mankind, we will see that he tried different methods to access heaven again.

From here on, two kingdoms were formed. The Physical world became the kingdom of Satan and the Spiritual world is the Kingdom of God. Those who are on Earth, the physical beings, became under the dominion of Satan and those who are spiritual beings became under the Kingdom of God (Rev. 12:12). Starting from here, these two worlds are always at war with each other.


Try as he may, Satan cannot prevent God from creating His ultimate creation – Man, who will become His Queen. Although Satan and his angels destroyed Earth in Genesis 1:2, God restored it in Genesis 1:3 as a preparation to be inhabited by Man. He did this by restoring first light to Earth since Earth was engulfed by darkness:

Then the whole restoration of Earth followed (Gen. 1:4-25). On the sixth day, God created Man on His own image, after His likeness (Gen. 1:26). “After God’s own image and likeness” means that the raw material that was used to create Adam was the Spirit of God Himself. The attributes and the character of Adam are the same as God. If God is a spirit, then Adam was also a spirit. If God is made of the Word, then Adam is also made of the Word. If God is good, then Adam is also good. Here, Adam was purely a spiritual being. Just like God Who is a Spirit, Adam is also a spirit that is both male and female (Gen. 1:27).

Adam was first created a spirit. It is in this state of Adam that he is purely a spiritual being. Just like the angels, he can only access the spiritual world. His food is the Truth, the Word/Spirit of God. Try as he may, Adam cannot access the physical world for he doesn’t have a body yet. It is the spirit of Adam that made him a heavenly being.

It is Genesis 2:7 that God made Adam a Body. This is the time when Adam was not only a spiritual being, he also became a physical being. Adam now has two components in him – his spirit which is made of Heaven and his body which is made of Earth. He is now made up of two worlds. He is now made up of both Heaven and Earth. This also made Adam to possess two natures within him – his spiritual nature and his physical nature. The component that gives him his spiritual nature is his spirit. While the component that gives him his physical nature is his body.

These two natures of Adam are manifested in his Soul (Gen. 2:7). It is in Adam’s soul that you can see both his physical and his spiritual natures. According to the Bible, Man’s soul is made of three components: the mind, the will and the emotions. The Mind is part of the soul that pertains to intellect, knowledge and man’s capacity and ability to think (Psalm 139:14, Lam. 3:20). The Will on the other hand, is man’s capacity and ability to choose and refuse (Job 7:15). Lastly, Emotion is man’s capacity and ability to express his self (e.g. anger, love, joy, hate, fear) (Songs 1:7, 2 Sam. 5:8, Psa. 86:4).

At first, it was only Adam’s spirit that influenced and is reflected in his soul. He is not affected by any physical thing around him. But when God made Adam a body, that is the time that his Soul started also to reflect his physical nature. Whenever Adam’s Body gets hungry, his mind starts to think about food, his will wants to eat food and his emotions are affected by the food he eats. This is how his two natures influence his soul. The mind, will and emotions also reflect not only his spirit but at the same time his body. The sum total of Adam’s personality is his Spiritual and Physical Natures which are both manifested in his soul.

After God’s creation of Adam’s body, He put him into a deep sleep and then took out the female attribute of Adam’s spirit. She was also given a body made from Adam’s rib and Adam called her Woman which means “she was taken out of man” (Gen. 2:21-24).


Man is a microcosm of both the Spiritual world and the Physical world. Our spirit and our body are the microcosms of Heaven and Earth.

The reason why God created Man to have both a spirit and a body is because God wanted Man to be the possessor of both the Heaven and the Earth. He wanted Man to possess both the Spiritual world and the Physical world. This is the reason why it is necessary for Adam to have a part of Heaven and a part of Earth on him. Adam can only access both worlds if he has both Heaven and Earth in him. This is the purpose of his spirit and his body.

From the beginning, this is the purpose of God for us. We are His ultimate creations. He wanted us to be His Queen. And it is only fitting for the Queen to possess the kingdom of Her King. There is no greater possession that a King can give to His Queen but His own Kingdom and for Her to reign with Him.


But it is not enough for Adam just to have both a spirit and a body to access the two worlds. For although Adam can contact and can communicate with God through his spirit (John 4:24), Adam’s body CANNOT leave the Physical world and access the Spiritual world. Adam’s body cannot go to Heaven because it is made of Earth. His body can only remain on Earth. It is limited to Earth.

In order to possess both worlds, the main purpose of our Lord is that, both our body and our spirit can access the Spiritual world and at the same time, the Physical world. It means that our body and spirit can leave this physical world and go to the spiritual world and vice versa – anytime. We can only do this if we have Glorified Body.

Now, a Glorified Body is the fusion of the spirit and the body. It is created when our spirit swallows our body and combines with it (1 Cor. 15:53-54). It is the fusion of the Physical world in us and the Spiritual world in us. When Adam’s spirit fuses with his body, he will have a Glorified Body. This is what happened to the body of our Lord Jesus Christ when He was resurrected (Phi 3:20-21). His Spirit combines with His flesh and that’s why His body resurrected from the dead.

Just imagine when your spirit and your body combined. You can do all that your physical body can do but at the same time, can also do all that your spirit can do. Your body can be touched and be felt by someone, but at the same time, it can go through solid walls and can vanish and appear anytime, anywhere (Luke 24:39, 24:31). You can eat and enjoy food but you do not feel hungry and you don’t need food to sustain your body anymore (Luke 24:41-43). You cannot get sick, you can’t get tired, sleepy nor be thirsty. And most of all, you cannot die.

This is how powerful the Glorified Body is. And this is what our Lord wanted for Adam to have. The main purpose of our Lord in creating us is not only for us to have Heaven and Earth within in us, but for us to access and possess them both. So when God created Adam’s spirit and body, He is not yet finished with him. He still wanted Adam to have that Glorified Body. That is God’s main goal for Adam and it is also Adam’s ultimate stature. By having the Glorified Body, Adam can truly possess both the Physical and the Spiritual worlds. And there is only ONE WAY to possess the Glorified Body – through the TREE OF LIFE.


After God created the body of Adam in Genesis 2:7, the Bible then introduced the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen. 2:9).

It is called the “Tree of LIFE” because It is the source of Eternal Life (Gen. 3:22). According to the Bible, there is only one source of Eternal Life, which is no other than the Spirit of God (John 6:63, Rom. 8:11). If the Spirit of God dwelt in you, then you have Eternal Life (1 Pet. 3:18, Rom. 8:2). Therefore, THE TREE OF LIFE IS NO OTHER THAN THE SPIRIT OF GOD. It is the ONLY source of Eternal Life. Once this Tree of Life is possessed (dwelt) by the spirit of Adam, It will boost Adam’s spirit and eventually will make his spirit swallow his body. This is the only way to have a Glorified Body – our spirit should swallow our flesh as stated 2 Corinthians 5:4:

Eternal Life will swallow our flesh. The corruptible (body) should put on the incorruptible (spirit) and the mortal (body) should put on the immortal (spirit) so that death will be swallowed by victory (1 Cor. 15:52-53). This is the only way to have a Glorified Body. And the Tree of Life is the needed ingredient for this to happen.

As what I have stated above, there is only one source of Eternal Life and it is no other than the Spirit of God (John 6:63, Rom. 8:11). Even though the Spirit of Adam was made from the Spirit of God, it has no Eternal Life because it is not yet indwelt by the Spirit of God. This is clearly stated in Genesis 3:22

According to this verse, the purpose of the Tree of Life is to give Adam Eternal Life (live forever). If Adam already possesses Eternal Life, then the Tree of Life is useless to him. He does not need It. If Adam does not need It, then the Lord should have never put It in the garden in the first place to be partaken by Adam. BUT ADAM HAS NO ETERNAL LIFE, AND HE NEEDS THE TREE OF LIFE TO POSSESS IT. This is the reason why the Tree of Life is present in the Garden, for the very purpose of being partaken by Adam and Eve.

Eternal Life is a Person. It is God. This we can read in 1 John 1:2

To be specific, it is the Spirit of God which is the Word (John 1:4). Anyone who does not have God, does not have Eternal Life. Anyone who is not indwelt by God, doesn’t possess Eternal Life. You need to be indwelt by God for you to have Eternal Life. During the time of Adam and Eve, Eternal Life appeared as the Tree of Life (Gen. 3:22). Those who do not possess the Tree of Life, do not have Eternal Life.

In our time today, Eternal Life is no other than the Lord Jesus Christ. As we can read in 1 John 5:11-12:

The Lord Jesus is the Tree of Life restored to man. To be specific, He is the Tree of Life that has a body. HE IS ETERNAL LIFE. 1 John 5:11-12 tells us that anyone who doesn’t have the Lord Jesus does not have Eternal Life. This is SO CLEAR AND SIMPLE. If we are not indwelt by the Spirit of the Lord Jesus, then we don’t have Eternal Life. It cannot be clearer than this.

In the beginning, Adam and Eve’s spirits are just like the angels. Angels are made by God and they also came from God. But when Lucifer and one-third of the angels sinned, they were cut out from the Spiritual world (Rev. 12:8). They were cut out from God. Even if they are part of God from the beginning, because they don’t have Eternal Life, once they sinned, they were cut out from God and will be annihilated in the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:10). This can also happen to Man if there is no Savior and if he will not possess Eternal Life.

In order to prevent this from happening to Man, the Tree of Life was introduced by God. The Tree of Life is the One that will SECURE Adam to live forever. Once Adam possesses the Tree of Life, even if he sins, Genesis 3:22 tells us that Adam will still live forever. Eternal Life cannot be taken away from him even if he sins. This makes sense because Eternal Life means “a life that cannot end or cannot be cut.” So no matter what Adam does, he cannot be cut from the Spiritual world. If Adam has already Eternal Life from the beginning, then he could never have died, because Eternal Life means “life without end.” But Adam died when he committed the Original Sin.

Just like the Angels, the spirit of Man can die if they commit sin. For this not to happen, Man’s spirit needs Eternal Life. And that Eternal Life is the Tree of Life which is the Spirit of God. Man needs to partake the Spirit of God. If the Spirit of God indwelt (live) in the spirits of Adam and Eve, they can surely live forever! They will have Eternal Life for the Spirit of God will be one with their spirits! He is all the time in them. The reason why they have Eternal Life is because nothing can kill God Who dwells in their spirits, not even sin.

This is the purpose of the Tree of Life (Spirit of God). Man’s spirit should be indwelt by the Tree of Life. But of course, we must also remember that God does not want to force Himself in the spirit of Man. Man needs to choose Him. Man needs to partake Him.

In Genesis 2:16-17, our Lord God commanded Adam not to partake the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil but at the same time, did not also force him to partake the Tree of Life. Why is this? Because the Lord do not want to force Himself to Adam. Although He is the creator of Man, He wanted Adam to exercise his free-will or freedom to choose. We wanted Adam to willfully choose Him. He wanted Adam to LOVE Him. Because this is what true love is. Love can only be manifested through free-will. It is not love if you force yourself into someone or programmed that someone to choose you. Love means that you let someone choose you because she/he decided to willfully and not because she/he has no other choice. So all in all, all that God wants is for Adam to love Him.

The error of those who believe that Adam already possessed Eternal Life when he was created by God comes from thier assumption that God is already indwelling Adam the day he was created. Again, God doesn’t want to force Himself unto Adam. ADAM WAS NOT INDWELT BY GOD WHEN WE WAS CREATED. The Tree of Life will be useless to Adam if he has already Eternal Life.

I must also add here that having the Glorified body doesn’t happen instantaneously after partaking the Tree of Life. Just like our Lord Jesus who did not possess an instant Glorified Body even though the Spirit of God is dwelling on Him, Adam also cannot have an instant Glorified Body after partaking the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life should grow first in the spirit of Adam. He needs to nourish It. He needs to feed It until he possesses Its fullness (Eph. 4:13). The Tree of Life should reach Its maturity. When the Tree of Life is fully matured in Adam’s spirit, that’s the time that it can swallow his body making it a Glorified Body. This is the purpose of the Spirit of Christ dwelling in us as stated in John 10:10:

We need to have the fullness of the Spirit of God.


When Satan possessed the physical world and made it his kingdom, he made sure that no Spiritual being can live on it. When God created Man, He created him with both a spirit and a physical body so that man could access both the physical and the spiritual realms. And He put Man on Earth. But as I said, Satan does not want that something spiritual will live on Earth. So he devised a way to kill the spirit of Man, and that is through the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. And he succeeded in doing this.

If the Tree of Life represents the Spiritual world, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil on the other hand, represents the Physical world. If the Tree of Life is a Spirit, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil on the other hand is a FLESH. If the Tree of Life can dwell on our spirit because it is a Spirit, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil on the other hand can dwell on our body because it is flesh. These two trees represent the two worlds – the kingdom of Satan and the Kingdom of God. The Tree of Life is a microcosm of the Spiritual world while the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is the microcosm of the Physical world. Our spirit is a microcosm of the spiritual world while our body is a microcosm of the physical world.

So if the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is a flesh and is a Physical being, what it is then? It is no other than the Serpent (Gen. 3:1).


If the Tree of Life is the Spirit of God, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil on the other hand is the Serpent. Unlike the Tree of Life Who is a Spirit, the Serpent of Genesis 3 on the other hand, is only Flesh. It doesn’t have a spirit. Unlike Adam who has a spirit and a body, the Serpent has only a body.

The Serpent is just like the animals created by God which has a body but no spirit. But the interesting thing is, in Genesis 3:1, the Bible also contrasted the serpent from the animals created by God:

The Bible tells us about the three qualities of the serpent that differentiated it from the animals created by God as pointed out in Genesis 3. They are the following:

1.Unlike the animals created by the Lord, the Serpent is more subtle or cunning (Gen. 3:1). This made him different from them.

2. It can talk and reason out with Eve (Gen. 3:1-5). The animals created by God cannot do this.

3. It can seduce and produce offspring with Humans (2 Cor. 11:2-30) (we will discuss more about this later).

This means that the Serpent is different from the animals created by God. The Bible is adamant on this.

All the animals created by God are good (Gen. 1:21,25). In fact, the Bible says that all things created by God are good (Gen 1:31). In contrast, the Serpent is a hybrid of both good and evil that is why it is called the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.” It is both “good and evil” telling us that it is not the same with the animals created by God. It is not all good unlike the animals. The questions are: Why it is both good and evil? Where did it come from? Who created the Serpent?

We know that God alone is the creator and He alone is good (Mark 10:18). All that is good came from God alone. On the other hand, the source of evil is Satan (John 8:44). Since the Serpent is called the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil,” it is therefore a hybrid of Good and Evil. Since goodness came from God alone and He alone is the Creator, we can therefore conclude that the Serpent was originally created by God just like the animals, that’s why it has good on it. But because the Serpent has also evil on it, and Satan is the source of Evil (read Ezekiel 28:15, the word “inequity” that was first found in Satan came from the Hebrew word “Eh’-vel” which came the English word “Evil”), we can therefore conclude that the Serpent which is originally good, was hybridized by Satan by putting evil on it – the nature of Satan.

This is why the Serpent is a hybrid creature. It is a hybrid of Good and Evil. A hybrid only brings death. God only created creatures after their kind (Gen. 1:21,24,25). There are no hybrid creatures created by God. It was Satan that hybridized the Serpent with evil. Anyone who partakes the fruit of this tree partakes a hybrid. A hybrid flesh is like a flour containing leaven that if mixed to a lump of pure flour, can leaven the whole lump (Gal. 5:9). This is the aim of Satan through the Serpent, to contaminate the flesh of Man.

In the Bible, a Tree symbolizes a person (Luke 6:43-44, Psa. 1:3, Mark 8:23-24). So these two trees are actually two Persons. The Tree of Life is in the person of God, while the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is in the person of the Serpent. To have “Knowledge” or “to know” in the Bible means “to become one” (Gen. 4:1, 19:5-8, 1 Kings 1:4). (If you want to know more about the topic of becoming one, please read the article “HOW TO POSSESS THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD). This means that if anyone partakes the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, both Good and Evil will become one with the partaker. He/she partakes a hybrid of Good and Evil. If Adam for example, will partake the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, good and evil will become one with Adam. And since the Serpent or the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is a physical being, it can only become one with Adam through Adam’s physical part – his flesh.


The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil are both outside Adam and Eve. They are not inside them. They are not part of them. They are not part of their body. They need first to partake them in order to possess them – in order to become one with them (Gen. 2:17, 3:22) or be part of them. They are not laws of Life or laws of death inside Eve or Adam’s body as some ministers implied. They are outside Adam and Eve which is clearly stated in Genesis 2:9. They are in the midst of the Garden of Eden, not in Eve’s body. Eternal Life and Death are outside Adam and Eve.

Those who believe that these two Trees are inside Eve’s body, also believe that Adam and Eve can achieved Eternal Life by having sex. They are teaching that Adam and Eve will have Eternal Life if they will have sexual intercourse at “God’s appointed time”. This is ridiculous teaching because according to the Bible, Eternal Life can never be achieved by having sex. It can only be achieved by having the Spirit of God dwelt in our spirits:

They need to partake the Spirit of God (Trre of Life) in order to possess Eternal Life, not through sex. They need to partake one of the two in order to become one with it. If they choose the Tree of Life, they choose Eternal Life (Gen 3:22). They choose God. They choose the Spiritual world. If they choose the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they choose Death (Gen. 2:17, 3:3). They choose the Serpent and Satan. They choose the Physical world.

Remember that these two Trees are two Persons. The Tree of Life is the Spirit of God and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is the Serpent. Now, there are only two ways in order to become one with a person: through the flesh and through the spirit. The Tree of Life, if partaken, can become one with Adam and Eve through their spirits because It is a Spirit. On the other hand, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is a flesh that is why it can become one with Adam and Eve through their flesh also. 1 Corinthians 6:16-17 tells us the two mechanisms on how to be one with a person – through flesh and through the spirit.

The aim of these two Trees is to become one with Man or to penetrate Man. The aim of God is for the Tree of Life to become one with Man’s spirit so that It will boost his spirit and will eventually swallow Man’s body producing a Glorified Body. While the aim of Satan is for the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil to become one with Man’s body in order to kill Man’s spirit and for the flesh to dominate Man, completely making Man’s spirit dead or useless.

These two Trees (Persons) are in the midst of the Garden (Gen. 2:9). If the Tree of Life is the midst of the Garden, the Serpent is also in the midst of the Garden. We must know that the “midst of the Garden” of Eden is the present-day location of the city of Jerusalem. To be exact, it is the location where the Temple was built. It is in this location where Adam and Eve were put by God when He created them. It is also the place where the Tree of Life (God) and the Tree of Knowledge (Serpent) was present during the time of Adam. Even today, the Spirit of God and Satan are fighting in that place. The Temple and the Mosque of Islam are fighting for that place. Islam doesn’t want the Jews to build the 3rd Temple there, when in fact, it is the exact location of the 1st and 2nd Temple. Instead, they built their Mosque there.

God and Satan are fighting for Man in the midst of the Garden of Eden. The two worlds, the Spiritual and the Physical worlds are fighting over Adam. Two kingdoms, the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan, are fighting on which one of them will become one with Adam. Whoever wins between the two, will dominate Adam and Adam will become part of that Kingdom. Whoever is chosen between the two, is definitely in the hands of Adam. If Adam chooses the Tree of Life, he will automatically belong to the Kingdom of Heaven. Satan will have no power against him. Death cannot reign over him. The Spirit of God will dwell upon him and will take over him. If he will choose the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, he will automatically belong to the kingdom of Earth. Heaven will be shut from him. All spiritual aspects will be shut from him since he chose Satan. His spirit will be shut (die) and his body will take over him. He will belong to Satan since he chose him. And everything that is prevented to be accessed by Satan will also be prevented from Adam.

What happened to Earth that was conquered by Satan and the war in Heaven was actually the FORESHADOWINGS OF WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MAN. Satan knows that eventually, God will create this ultimate creation Who will also become His Queen – Man. So Satan’s aim is to conquer Man’s body just like what he did to Earth. In order to do this, Satan uses the Serpent.


(At this point, I would like to point out that there have been many true ministers of God whom He has used to enlighten us about the Original Sin. Ministers like Bro. William M. Branham, Bro. Raymond Jackson Jr. and Bro. Richard L.S. Gan has been used by our Lord and has contributed a lot to this topic. They are men of God whom I have great respect for and whom I love in the Lord. I have personally known one of them and he is dear to me. If you follow their teachings on the Original Sin, you will be all right and you will be in good company. But if you want to be right in your beliefs, you may want to read what the Lord has shown me on this.

The Original Sin is the teaching that quickens me. Before I heard this teaching, no Word of God can penetrate my heart. It’s as hard as stone and thick as a wall. But when I heard this teaching, it was the right tool that broke my heart. This is the teaching that quickens me. This is the teaching used by our Lord to indwelt me by His Spirit. That’s why if there is one teaching that I really want to know more about, it is about the Original Sin.

Although many have explained and taught about it, and those men of God I have mentioned above have greatly contributed in enlightening us about it, this teaching is still clouded with many questions that are still needed to be answered. If you are one of those seeking for answers, you need to read this portion.)

When Satan hybridized the Serpent, he made it his tool to penetrate Adam’s body. Why Adam’s body? Because Satan knows that he cannot penetrate Adam’s spirit. Adam’s spirit represents the Spiritual World. And because Satan cannot access the Spiritual World anymore, he knows also that he cannot access anything that comes from the Spiritual world. He cannot access Adam’s spirit. So he aimed to conquer Adam’s body, just like he conquered the Physical World.

To penetrate Adam, he needs to do it through Adam’s body. And to penetrate Adam’s body, Satan needs something that is physical also. Something that can become one with Adam’s flesh. And this is where the role of the Serpent comes in. According to the Bible, there is only one way to become one with the flesh of a human. That is, to do what a husband a wife do in order to become one flesh – through sex.

There is only one way for a husband and wife to be one in the flesh, only through sex. There is only one way for the Serpent to become one with the flesh of a human, only through sex. This is again, is mentioned in 1 Cor. 6:16-17:

In Genesis 3:1-5, we can read that the Serpent is talking to Eve. This means that the Serpent is aiming to penetrate Eve or to be one with her in the flesh. If becoming one with Eve is through sex, we can conclude therefore that the serpent here is a male serpent. This way of Satan hybridizing a male Serpent to seduce Eve instead of a female one to seduce Adam is actually strategic. Satan knows that Adam cannot be deceived (1 Tim. 2:14a). Adam was the original creation of God. It is through Adam that God has given the commandment not to partake (eat) the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen 2:16-17). Eve was not yet created at that time. That’s why Satan knows that he has a greater chance of deceiving Eve than Adam (Gen. 3:13, 1 Tim. 2:14b). So he hybridized a male Serpent to seduce Eve (2 Cor. 11:2-3). Eve chose the Serpent. One reason for this is that she has still no experience in the Spiritual world, only in the Physical. That’s why she chose the physical.

As I have mentioned above, there is only one way for the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil to become one with the flesh of Eve, it is only through sex. The word “eat” in this verse does not mean literal eating since the Tree is not a literal tree and its fruit is not a literal fruit. To “eat” here means “to partake” which is through sex (Pro. 30:20). The “Fruit” of the Tree contains the seed of the Serpent. According to Galatians 5:22-23, the fruit of the Spirit (Tree of Life) is love, joy, peace, longsuffering etc. While the fruit of the flesh (Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil) is adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness etc. (Gal. 5:19-20). This only tells us that eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is partaking adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness etc. When Eve partakes (eat) it, good and evil become part of her. The fruit contaminated her body (Rom. 7:18). She was then hybridized. All the characteristics of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil were imparted upon her.

Genesis 3:6 also tells us that Eve “gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. It was Eve that “gave” the “fruit” to her husband, not the Serpent. And we know that partaking of the fruit is through sex. This means that after having sex with the Serpent, Eve having the fruit contaminated her body, gave also the fruit to Adam through having sex with him. At this point, both Eve and Adam’s bodies became contaminated by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They have been hybridized. They have become one with Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan succeeded in his plan to contaminate Man’s body. Sin now resides in both Adam and Eve’s body.

This is the Original Sin. This is the Fall of Man. It is at this point that it began to reign in Man’s body (Rom. 7:24). No matter what we do, our body will not be able to enter the Spiritual world. It will always die and remain in the ground.

Once the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil became part of Adam and Eve’s body, it could not be separated from them anymore. Just like if the Tree of Life became part of their spirits, It cannot be separated from their spirits also. The sad thing is, because physical traits are passed down from the genes of the parents to the offspring, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is also passed down from Adam and Eve to all their children and their children’s children. It is like an HIV virus that can be passed through sex and is passed down from parents to offspring. And this is why every human being born in this world are sinners. “For all have sinned…” Rom. 3:23. Sin is in our genes. Our flesh is corrupt, it gets sick and dies. The moment that our mother conceived us, we were already sinners. We were already sinners even if we are still in the womb.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil did not only contaminated and corrupted Adam and Eve’s bodies, it also killed their spirits. The moment that they did not choose the Tree of Life, they rejected the Lord. They rejected His fellowship. Remember that it was only their fellowship with God that made their spirits alive. Their spirits are made from the Spirit of God. Fellowship with the Spirit of God is their food. Without that fellowship, their spirits cannot eat. They will die. And that’s why from that moment on, the spirit of man died. It remains dead after that. If you will separate something from where it is made of, it will die (e.g. fish from the water, plants from soil). Satan knows that if he will separate man from fellowship to the Spirit of God, the spirit of Man will die. Satan succeeded in his goal to kill the spirit of Man.

Death means separation. The moment that Adam sinned, his spirit was separated from God. He can no longer fellowship with Him. His spirit was cut off from the Spiritual world. His spirit can no longer access the spiritual things. Because he chose Satan instead of God, he was also cut off from accessing Heaven just like Satan and the demons. This is what it means that the spirit of Adam died. His spirit can no longer access the things of God. He cannot contact God, he cannot access spiritual things, he cannot worship God – which are supposed to be the functions of his spirit. His spirit became dead (can do nothing) on the Spiritual things.

Some may ask: “If Man can’t contact God, how are the Old Testament saints able to fellowship with God? Moses in Mount Sinai, Abraham, Jacob in Bethel, Israel in the Tabernacle and the Temple? How are they able to contact God?

We must remember that after Man’s spirit died, he can in no way be able to contact God anymore. The Old Testament saints mentioned above having fellowship with God is not because they are able to contact God, IT IS BECAUSE GOD IS ABLE TO CONTACT THEM. Their spirits cannot access God that’s why God gave them an appointed place where His presence is present (e.g. Tabernacle, Temple). Only God can contact them. They can be filled by the Spirit of God, but they are not indwelt by It. Anytime, the presence of God can leave them (Psa. 51:10-11). But there will come a time, according to our Lord Jesus Christ, that “true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth(John 4:23-24). They don’t need to go to the Temple anymore because their spirits will be able to contact God anytime, anywhere. This is the time when man’s dead spirit will be quickened and be alive again to access the spiritual world.

After committing the Original Sin, the only thing that controls man is his sin-contaminated-flesh. He became fleshly. Sin became our very nature. All our sins are because of our flesh. Our spirit cannot sin. We are not sinners because we sin, but we sin because we are sinners. It is our contaminated flesh in us that works against us and makes us to sin. It is also the flesh we see in others that annoys us, not their spirit.

After the Fall, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil became our very nature. Its fruits became our fruits (Gal. 5:19-21). Violence, murder and destruction became the very nature of men. In Revelation 5:4 we read:

John’s tears here represent the tears of all God’s people through all the centuries after the Fall. Those tears of the Apostle John are the tears of Adam and Eve, driven out of the Garden of Eden, as they bowed over the first grave, as they watered the dust of the ground with their tears over the silent, still form of their dead son, Abel. Those are the tears of the children of Israel in bondage as they cried unto God in their affliction and slavery. They are the tears of God’s elect throughout the centuries as they cried unto heaven. They are the sobs and tears that have been wrung from the heart and souls of God’s people as they looked on their silent dead, as they stood beside their open graves, as they experienced in the trials and sufferings of life, heartaches and disappointments indescribable.

Such is the curse that sin has laid upon God’s best creation; and this is all because of that usurper, that intruder, that dragon, that serpent, that devil – Satan. “And I wept much” means that the failure to find a Redeemer meant that this earth will continue in its curse to be consigned to death forever. It meant that death, sin, damnation and hell should reign forever and ever and the sovereignty of God’s Earth should remain forever in the hands of Satan.

BUT WE KNOW THAT THE LORD WILL NOT LET THIS TO REMAIN FOREVER! There is a Behold, the Lion from the Tribe of Judah!”


If for example, it was the Tree of Life that was chosen by Adam and Eve, It should have become one with their spirits. They should have received Eternal Life instead of death. If it was the Tree of Life that is partaken by Adam and Eve, every human being born on this planet should have possessed a live spirit. No spirit should have been dead. And with continuous feeding of the Tree of Life, It would eventually give them Glorified bodies.

If the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil can be passed down from parent to offspring, the Tree of Life is different. You can’t pass It down to your offspring because the Spirit of God cannot be passed down. Each individual should partake It. We need to be born again individually. This is why God has no grandchildren. He only has children.

Do you remember from Genesis that when God went to make man He said “Let us make man in our image and in our likeness…”? That was the desire from the beginning. It was a plan that mankind could and would reflect the image and likeness of God. Man was designed to be indwelt by God. Our main purpose is to give our spirit to God so that He can take over it. So that He can indwell it. This is our very purpose. We should be one with God so that we can be like God. Once this is done, it is only during that time that we attain our full potential – to be like God (Rom. 8:19). We can only reach our optimum potential if we let God take over upon us. We can only reach our Glorified State if we let God indwelt us. Reaching our optimum potential means we can never get sick, we can never get tired, we can never get hungry nor thirsty, and most of all, we can never die. This is what it means to reach our Glorified State, our full potential, that can only happen when God indwelt us. But we don’t want to give our lives to Him. We don’t want Him to take over us. We don’t want Him to control us. Instead, what we want is to be controlled by money, the temporal things and cares of this world. We wanted to be materially rich in this world instead of achieving our Glorified State which is much, much, much better.

Adam did not achieve that Glorified State due to the Fall. Our God’s ultimate plan today was to restore that image. True believers are “Predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son” (Rom. 8:29). And if you will read Romans 8:30 which is all written in past tense, you will notice that this plan cannot fail!

The Lord created Man in His image and likeness for the purpose that man can reflect Him. Or put this way: If I would create something, for example a sculpture, what would be my purpose in creating that sculpture according to my image and likeness? There is only one prominent reason why I would create a sculpture according to my image and likeness, that is, I want people to be reminded of me when they see my sculpture. I want that creation to reflect me so that people will have an idea of me. I want it to display me.

God created man for the purpose of reflecting Him just like the moon that reflects the sun. 1 Corinthians 3:18 says:

Like the mirror, man is supposed to reflect the Lord. Our transformation can only occur every time we behold the Lord’s glory. Every time we reflect our Lord, we are transformed. Every time the Lord is revealed through us, we are also revealed (Col. 3:3-4). So if we want to be transformed, if we want that our glorified state be revealed, there is only one way, we need to beheld the Lord’s glory. Our transformation is solely dependent on our beholding of our Lord. The more we expose ourselves to our Lord, the more we reflect Him, the more we are transformed. This should have been the purpose of Adam and Eve.

But Satan persuaded man that his own image is more beautiful than God’s image, and so man flip the mirror over. Now the back side of the mirror is toward God. It doesn’t reflect anything. Instead, the mirror casts a shadow in the shape of itself on the ground, and he fell in love with his own shadow. That is what happened. And we have been loving ourselves ever since the fall instead of reflecting the Lord.

This would have been the purpose of the Tree of Life. If the Tree of Life was chosen by Adam and Eve, God would have indwelt them and they should have served their purpose of reflecting God. But Adam and Eve choose the Serpent rather than God. Just imagine how this broke the Lord’s heart. He is their Creator. He provided everything for them. He put them to Eden which is like a Paradise for them. But instead of choosing Him, the Tree of Life, they choose His enemy. Imagine how this broke His heart.

Because they did not choose Him, they did not choose the Tree of Life, the Lord take it away from their presence (Gen. 3:24). The Tree of Life should have been the only way for Adam and Eve to restore their spirits back to life. But the Lord took it. And from then on, no man can reflect God. He can no longer fulfill its purpose. He can no longer reach his full potential. Man has become like a lamp without oil, car without gas, and pen without ink. We are designed by God that the presence of the Creator within the creature is indispensable to our humanity. Christ gave Himself for us to give Himself to us! Our very existence is to contain God. But it was marred because of the Original Sin.


The reason why the Tree of Life was kept by God after Adam and Eve sinned is because Adam and Eve’s bodies were already possessed by Satan. Part of the Serpent was in their Body. Satan now has a claim for their bodies. This is the reason why no matter what we do, our bodies cannot enter the Spiritual world (1 Cor. 15:50). Our bodies always return to the dust (Gen. 3:19). Since Satan has a claim for their bodies, God cannot now make their bodies glorified. God needs to repossess their bodies first in order to fulfill His plan of making them Glorified Bodies. In order to repossess them, He needs to pay first a ransom in order to make their bodies His own again. So God needs to be a man first in order to have a body that can be sacrificed to pay for our bodies. Once He has paid for our bodies, that’s the only time that He can continue to His plan in making our bodies Glorified Bodies.

This is what our Lord Jesus Christ did. He is the Tree of Life that has a body (became man) in order to be sacrificed and paid for our bodies. Once He had paid our bodies, that’s the only time when He can continue with His plan of making us Glorified. So what He did next after paying for our bodies is He gave the Tree of Life (His Spirit) to us in order to quicken our spirits. Once our spirits are quickened and are indwelt by the Tree of Life, the Tree of Life can now grow in us until we have its fullness (Eph. 4:13). Once Its fulness is in us, it will swallow our body making it Glorified Body. This is how the plan of God from the beginning will be fulfilled in us.


In Genesis 3:14, the first one to be cursed by the Lord is the Serpent. The once upright Serpent was cursed to crawl and eat dust, transforming every part of its body to be like the snake. Today, you can no longer see an upright serpent who can talk and reason out to man.

The next to be cursed is Eve. In Genesis 3:16 it says,

Eve’s reproductive organ was cursed. And from then on, her desire is only for her husband. These have given us the clue that Eve’s reproductive organ was involved in the act of sinning. And that she desired someone who is not her husband, thus adultery is involved.

The last to be cursed is Adam (Gen. 3:17-19). The curse of Adam is the one that is interesting. His curse was for the ground to produce thorns and thistles (Gen. 1:17-18). Now, remember that the Earth did not produce thorns and thistles before Adam sinned. They only came because of the curse, when sin penetrated Adam’s body. What analogy does God want to teach us from this? Our Lord wanted to show us here that these thorns and thistles represent the Original Sin that penetrated the flesh of Adam. Remember that Adam’s body is the part of Adam that is made from Earth. His body represents Earth. When Adam sinned, thorns and thistles then sprouted on Earth. So thorns and thistles here represent sin that is in the body of Adam (Earth). The apostle Paul advised us in Colossians 3:5:

The word “death” here does not mean that you will be completely free from the work of sin in our flesh if you put them to death. It does not mean you can kill them off and then they are all completely gone. Death here doesn’t mean cease to exist, it means “to deaden, to deprive of force and vigor.” It is like thorns and thistles, even if you weed them completely from your garden, they will again show up after a month. But at least, you have weeded them, so that even if they will show up again, they will be few and they will not grow that being choking the plants. This is why Paul advises us to die daily from them (1 Cor. 15:31). Weed them regularly. And when our body will be Glorified, they will completely be gone.

As long as this Earth will not be renewed, thorns and thistles will show up. As long as our body is not glorified, sin will still be present in our flesh. This is the Fall of Man.


Although all human beings born in this world are sinners, that is, our bodies are contaminated by the Serpent, we are further divided by seeds: the seed of God and the seed of the Devil (John 8:44, Mat. 13:24-30). After the fall, there are two kinds of human beings born in this world – those who have the seed of God and those who have not. The Bible called these two groups the seed of the Serpent and the seed of Adam, the goats and the sheep, the wheat and the tares, the sons of men and the Sons of God (Gen. 6:1-2, Mat. 23:33, Mat. 25:32-33). They are those who belong to the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Heaven.

The first human to be born in this world is the seed of the Serpent – Cain. Cain is of the devil as stated in 1 John 3:12,

Just like Satan his father, Cain is a liar, murderer and a destroyer from the beginning(John 8:44). His qualities are not the qualities of Adam and Eve. He is the product of Eve’s adulterous act with the Serpent. And it was his lineage that began to multiply rapidly on Earth.

The seed that flourished in this world is the seed of Satan through the Serpent. We can read this in Genesis 4:16-26 were the lineage of Cain began to multiply rapidly in the face of the Earth because most of them practiced polygamy (Gen. 4:19). And the Bible called them “Men” or “sons of men” as we can read in Genesis 6:1-3

Men here are the Serpent’s seeds, the lineage of Cain. While the “Sons of God” here are the seeds of God, the lineage of Adam through Seth. The daughters of Men were so fair and beautiful physically that the sons of God became attracted to them. This further caused for there seeds to rapidly multiply on Earth. But the Spirit of God doesn’t like them for they are only flesh. They are not His. They are the children of Satan through the Serpent. They belong to the Kingdom of Satan. They belong to the Physical world. In short, they are Earthly people. They don’t belong to the Spiritual world. They are like the weeds that are not intended to be among the wheats and will be burned later on (Mat. 13:24-30).

As the Serpent’s seed began to multiply on the face of the Earth, God therefore needed to kill them through the flood. And this is the reason why God sends the flood during the time of Noah, to stop the sons of men from corrupting the Earth (Gen. 6:11-13). It was only Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives that were spared in order to replenish the Earth again after the flood (Gen. 6:18). Noah is a seed of God.


So the flood came and wiped out all human beings except for Noah’s family. But although Noah and his family are seed of God, their flesh is still contaminated by sin. For every person born on this Earth is contaminated by the Serpent (Rom. 3:23). Sin is still residing in their genes. So when the lineage of Noah began to multiply on Earth, Serpent seeds from their lineage began to show up also. Children of Satan began to multiply again in the face of the Earth after that.

This will happen again during the Age of Regeneration or the Millennial Reign when God will renew Earth (Mat. 19:28, Rev. 20:5). All seeds of the Serpent cannot enter the Age of Regeneration. They will all be punished in hell before the Age of Regeneration starts (Mat. 25:41-46). In short, none of the children of Satan will enter this Age. But then, although the people that enter the Age of Regeneration are all seed of God, we need to remember that those people still have sinful nature or the genes of the serpent in their flesh. Therefore, there will be children born among them that are seeds of the Serpent. They are the ones called by the prophet Isaiah as the “accursed” in the Age of Regeneration. They are the Serpent seeds and they are the people who will die in that Age and will not reach the age of 100 years old:

Right now, there are two kinds of people living on Earth: those that are children of the Physical world because they are only physical, and those that are children of the Spiritual world because they are seed of God. And just like the two Kingdoms where they belong to, these two seedlines also hate each other. As the spirit hates the flesh, so does the flesh hate the spirit (Gal 5:17). These two seeds always fight each other. We can see this in the story of Abel and Cain, Abraham and Nimrod, Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau, Moses and Pharoah, Israel and its enemies, the Church and the modern-day Jezebel Church and many more.

Today, there are many Serpent’s seed people that are born in this world as we can also read in the Bible (read Mat. 23:33, Mat. 3:7, Mat. 12:34, John 8:44). They are the ones who are dominating here on Earth since they belong here and Satan is their Father.


The first one to be called-out by God to come out from the world is Abraham. It is during his time that Satan tries again to access the Spiritual World through the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9). This tower “whose top may reach unto heaven” (Gen. 11:4) is not a literal tower that can reach heaven, instead, it is a way of Satan using people to access the Spiritual world again that the Lord God needs to go down and confound their language in order to stop what they are doing (Gen. 11:7).

It is in this generation of the people of the Physical world trying to access the Spiritual world by their own means that God called Abraham to come out (Gen 12:1). God wanted to show Abraham the right way to access the Spiritual world and that is through His own means and not the means of the world or Satan. So he called him out. Among all the people of God, Abraham is the first called-out one (Greek: Ekklesia, English: Church). He is called the father of those called-out ones by God from the world (Rom. 4:1-12). He is “the father of them that believe” (Rom 4:16).

The nations are blessed through Abraham because it was Abraham who first sought the spiritual world and after him are many believers. At first, he is just the same as those around him. He was indistinguishable from others. Were they idolaters? So was he. He became different different because of God. These called-out ones were strikingly different from all those around them. They stood out against the stream of the physical world and refused to be dragged along by it. They were looking for Spiritual things.

After Abraham, many were also called-out. Among them are Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David and so on. Later, those who are called-out are the Church. We are the Church of Christ. We are the children of Abraham because just like Abraham, you are also called out from this world. You are a Heavenly being.


The Lord Jesus is the Tree of Life that was restored to Humanity. He is the Spirit of God that has flesh. He is the Tree of Life that has a body in order to be sacrificed for the remission of sins. He is the only way for man to access the Spiritual world. Aside from Him, there is no other way.

The Lord Jesus is the perfect man. Adam should have been like the Lord Jesus if Adam did not sin. The Lord Jesus Christ is the last Adam (1 Cor. 15:45). He is the second man (1 Cor. 15:47). He is the man as God intended man to be, and behaved as God intended man to behave. The qualities of our Lord when he was born in this world (no sin, alive spirit, etc,) should have been the quality of Adam if Adam did not sin.

But the Lord Jesus Christ is not just a mere man, He is God. He has the Spirit of God. He is God who has a body. The reason why God needs to have a body is because God needs to be a Savior as written in Isaiah 43:11:

God alone is the Savior. So our Lord Jesus Christ is God Himself who became man in order to save us. The reason why the Lord needs to offer His body to save us is because He needs to own our body first in order for His plan to be fulfilled. That plan is to give us a Glorified body. We cannot be Glorified if our body is still owned by Satan. This is why the Bible says that our body is not our own, but was bought by our Lord:

Your body is now owned by our Lord. Satan cannot claim that body anymore. That’s why you need to use it for the Spiritual things.

Another piece of evidence that our Lord Jesus does care for our body is the empty tomb. If the Lord does not care for our bodies, then He should have let His body rot in the tomb. Since it is physical and has nothing to do the spiritual. It is not needed in Heaven. But since it has no sin and He owns it, it cannot return to Earth. He brings it to Heaven. This is what will happen to us also when someday, our bodies will be free from sin.

The Lord Jesus is the only source of Eternal Life and Eternal Life can come from Him alone as read in Romans 6:23:

Because Adam sinned, he died and death comes to humanity. But the Lord Jesus is the quickening spirit that gives us Eternal Life (1 Cor. 15:45). Therefore, Eternal Life which is once a Spirit, became a man. He is no other than our Lord Jesus.

Eternal Life has appeared. The Apostles have seen It. And they proclaim It to us. It is therefore very clear now that Eternal Life is a person. And that person is no other than our Lord Jesus. 1 John 5:11-12 was very clear also that whoever has the Lord Jesus, has Eternal Life:

THIS IS VERY CLEAR! Those who have the Lord Jesus, have Eternal Life. Those who don’t have the Lord, don’t have Eternal Life. So if you are indwelt by the Lord, surely, you have Eternal Life. If you are not indwelt by the Lord Jesus, surely also, you don’t have Eternal Life. Those who proclaim that they have Eternal Life but are not indwelt by the Lord are lying.

Since man was cut away (died) from God due to the Original Sin, there is no other way for man to be restored to God again but only through the Lord Jesus Christ alone (John 14:6). The Lord Jesus became our mediator for man to access the Spiritual World again. Man can now access again Eternal Life because the Tree of Life that was kept was restored.

According to Romans 6:23, this Eternal Life is a Gift. This means that It cannot be earned. And because it is not earned, you cannot get it through your own work. It is only given to us. Therefore, we cannot have Eternal Life through blood sacrifices. As written in Hebrews 10:4:

Those Old Testament saints that offered God blood offerings did not possess Eternal Life. Again, Eternal Life is only given through our Lord Jesus.

To summarize, Eternal Life is no other than the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ that indwelt our spirit. It is called “Eternal” because it is a Life without end or cannot be ended. Why it cannot end? Because Eternal Life is God Himself, and no one can end God.


Our Lord Jesus intended us to possess Eternal Life in full:

This is when we possess the fullness of our Lord Jesus (Eph. 4:13). The reason why He wanted us to fully possess It is for us to have Glorified Bodies. We can only possess our Glorified Body when Eternal Life swallows our mortal Bodies. Our bodies can only be swallowed by our spirit (Eternal Life) when it attain its fullness. As written in the following verses:

The mortal (body) will be swallowed by Eternal Life (Spirit). This is when the Physical world in us will be swallowed by the Spiritual world in us. Making us Glorified. So our Lord Jesus Christ has a three-fold purpose in being born here on Earth: First is to be a sacrifice and give His blood so that he can redeem our body. Second is to give His Spirit and quicken our spirits. Third is to fill us with Eternal Life (His Spirit) for us to have the Glorified Body.

Right now, we are on the third stage. We have been Born-again (indwelt by the Spirit of Christ) and are continuously filled by His Spirit. Right now, we are controlled by both Satan and the Lord Jesus. Every born-again Christian is controlled by both the Spiritual world and the Physical world. Satan controls our Body because sin is still present in our body, while the Lord controls our spirit. Whoever wins among these two, depends on whoever you feed.


One day, Earth will also be swallowed by Heaven, making it a Glorified Earth. These words of Revelation 11:15 will be fulfilled “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord.” These two worlds will fuse, making it a Glorified World as God intended them to be from the beginning. Both Heaven (Spiritual World) and Earth (Physical World) will be new.

And these words of the Bible shall be fulfilled:

This is the Glorified World. Both Heaven and Earth are new here. Both worlds have no more end. They cannot end. If you will read the whole chapters of both Revelation 21 and 22, you will know that it will become an Eternal Word. There will be no more death. Nothing will end in that world.


There are two kinds of people in this world: those who belong to the Physical World and those who belong to the Spiritual World. Those people who don’t believe in the Spiritual World are the people of the Physical world. They call themselves atheists, most of them don’t believe in spiritual things. All they have is this world to hold on to. This world is their paradise because after this, what’s waiting for them is suffering.

On the other hand, there are those people who belong to the Spiritual world. They are the ones who are suffering in this world, for this world is not their home. We are those people. We don’t hold onto this world for what’s waiting for us in the next world isn’t suffering. It is our Paradise. It is our home. It is where we belong to. As C.S. Lewis wisely stated:

“If I find in myself a desire which this world cannot satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”

Most of us have not seen that whole Spiritual world yet, but we have seen a glimpse of It. Sometimes, I see glimpses of it. Many Spiritual people before us have experienced It. And they have a tremendous feeling of sense of belongingness in that world that they don’t want to go back to the Physical world. They know they belong to It.

Right now, it seems that the Physical world is winning in us. But we must remember 1 Corinthians 15:50 that says “Corruption cannot inherit incorruption…” or in other words, the Physical world cannot conquer the Spiritual world. The kingdom of Satan cannot conquer the Kingdom of God. No matter what Satan will do, the Physical world in us cannot defeat the Spiritual world in us. The body cannot defeat the Spirit. For the Bible also says:

Bride of the Lord Jesus, WE NEED TO BE LOYAL TO THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. We must not be an adulterer or a lover of both worlds. As James 4:4 told us:

Don’t be an adulterer. Be loyal to the Spiritual world. In the last days, God desires that there will be a clear division between the people of the Spiritual world and the people of the Physical world:

That is, let the wicked be wicked and the righteous be righteous. God desires that there is a clear division and separation between these two! There should be a clear division between the kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Heaven. A clear division between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of Light.

Be content with the physical things that God has provided you but be greedy of the spiritual things that can never be exhausted. Not the other way around. Believers nowadays are contended with what they have in the spiritual but are never contented with the material things. Don’t be like that. Our Lord is rich in spiritual things (Eph. 3:8). Desire them!

One day, Satan will have a physical body. He will achieve it through the antichrist. Just like our Lord Jesus who was incarnated to possess a body to be sacrificed, Satan will be incarnated also through the antichrist. During the reign of the antichrist, everyone on Earth will again face a decision to choose between the Physical World and the Spiritual world. Between Christ and Satan. Those that will choose this Physical world will be given a mark and those that will choose the Spiritual world will be killed but will surely be rewarded in the Spiritual world. You are not of this world. You are not for Satan. You are for God. Choose Him.

May the Lord continue to bless you with His Truth is my prayer.


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