December 4, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


We are Christ’s Ambassadors

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We are God’s ambassadors. We go out to those around us (and some are called to go to the furthest regions of this world) to give out a message. And what is this message? It is the new Law. That we can be free from the first law (sin and death) by having the second law (law of Life) through Christ. It is quite possible that the people in the world don’t know that there is a law in force that states that ‘the soul that sins will die’. But whether they know it or not, it is still a law and come judgment day they will be judged by this law. But as the couriers went out in haste to tell the people of a second law, so that is our mission today.

This law, just as a reminder, states that freedom from sin, guilt and judgment is available through Jesus Christ. The two laws are summed up in the one verse of Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death (the first law), but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (the second law).”


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