January 19, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


Where are You?

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Gen. 3:9 “Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?”

This is the first recorded question asked by God in the Bible. The Lord here is calling out Adam asking where he is. Obviously, God knew exactly where Adam was. But why did He ask this question? The Lord here obviously wants Adam to acknowledge where he is and why he is there. Where was Adam? Well, Adam was hiding! Why was he hiding from God? Because he disobeyed, has fallen into sin and was now fearful. This is the time that Adam was literally separated from God by sin.

On the deeper level, this is also the question that God is asking us today. Where are we? Man has continued to run and hide from the Lord, and our Lord still sought us out. How would you respond if God asked this question to you? “Where are you?” Are we hiding from Him or are we fully walking in His light? If ever this is you and you are thinking of hiding from Him, always remember that our Lord wanted you to go back to Him. Think of this: IF OUR LORD GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON TO DIE FOR YOU AND TO FORGIVE YOU WHILE YOU ARE YET SINNER, DO YOU THINK HE CANNOT FORGIVE YOU FOR YOUR SINS TODAY?


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