Isa. 39:5-6 “Hear the word of the LORD: The time will surely come when everything in your palace, and all that your fathers have stored up until this day, will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left, says the LORD.”
Even though King Hezekiah was a great and Godly king from the start, 2 Kings 20:12-19 says that he started to court and flirt with Babylon (the world), which would ultimately lead to Israel’s downfall and be captured by Babylon. If even a godly man such as Hezekiah can lose his focus and start taking pride in worldly things, then so can we.
We need to remember that in any long-distance race anyone can take off sprinting at the start, this is not that impressive. I used to do that also in Marathon and then pass out in the middle not even reaching the finish line! What’s impressive is going the distance and finishing the race well. Be mindful therefore to endure and finish your race well. Gal 5:7 ask us: “You were running well, but who hindered you from obeying the truth?”
REMEMBER: Christ did not send us to the world to start the race well, HE SENT US TO FINISH THE RACE WELL.
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