Col. 2:10 “And in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority.”
“And in Him you have been made complete.” This surely encompasses everything. Everything that we need is in Christ. What could be added to the One Who is complete? Could church activities be added to Christ? Could “traditions” be added to Him? Could keeping the Sabbath, doing the Law, circumcision, doctrines of men, not eating this and eating that, not doing this and doing that, could any of these things add a single dot or tittle to Christ to Whom we are made complete?
You have been completely paid, completely forgiven, and completely saved. Literally, it is Christ plus nothing. All that we need is Him. So why would you look for anything else? Just look unto Him. As Hebrew 12:2a told us, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.”
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