January 13, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


Don’t look at Yourself, Look at the Lord

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1 Cor. 15:51 “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed.”

When Paul speaks about the rapture, he calls it a “mystery.” A mystery is something previously hidden but now revealed (Rom 16:25-26). Paul said that his revelation about the rapture came directly “by the word of the Lord” (1 Thes 4:15). It was to him that this mystery about the Rapture was revealed. Paul emphasized what the Lord has personally told him that there will come a time when believers who are alive will not die but shall be changed into the image of our Lord Jesus in an instant. He had this hope that this would occur in his generation and so should we! We should be filled with this hope as we see all the signs of His nearness all around us today!

Now, Paul says we shall “all” be changed. This word “all” here should give us hope especially to those who think that they are not qualified for the Rapture. We need to remember that Paul was writing to a Church here that had a lot of issues. The Corinthians were a bit of a mess… and I’m being kind here. If the Corinthians who have a lot of issues will be Raptured, then how much more you? Indeed, if we will just look at ourselves, we can say that we are not qualified. But don’t look at yourself, look at the Lord for He is able. Don’t believe those who says that you will not be Raptured. Believe in the Lord.


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