Rom. 20:20-21 “But who are you, human being, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’ Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?”
God doesn’t have the same purpose for all of us. The fact is that, not all of us are going to be Apostles of Prophets on the front line or will going to be great spiritual men like Moses, Daniel, Peter or Paul. Some of us are just made for common use. The Potter alone has the right to what we will going to mold the clay for. God has the right to choose what He wants to make and who He wants to use for whatever purpose He wants.
BUT ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS CHILD OF GOD: You need to be aware that if God wants to use you for a special purpose, then you must know that you will experience more pressure from the hand of the Potter than the rest of us. This is for the reason that He can mold you to be a more elegant vessel. The turning of the wheel will take longer and greater in your life than in those around you. Special vessels need more pressing from the hand of the potter than common pots. You will wonder why God allows so many difficult things to come into your life while others around you seem to have things much easier. That is the preparation for the making of a special vessel! It is not easy to be a special one, but God will be more glorified in your life.
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