Neh. 4:13 “Then I stationed men in the lowest parts of the space behind the wall, the exposed places, and I stationed the people in families with their swords, spears, and bows.”
There are areas of our lives that are called “The Exposed Places.” These may be addictions (e.g. online games, gambling, drugs alcohol, etc.), depression, pride, greed, etc. This is where the enemy often attacks us. The wall is yet to be built in these areas and we are still vulnerable to an attack. The reason why the blessings of God cannot flow in us and in our family is that these areas are still exposed. We are not confronting these areas and are letting them still exposed. We are often sick, depressed and often have problems because of them.
Satan isn’t stupid; he goes for these weaknesses. Be on alert and use the armor of God to deal with these exposed areas of our lives. Fortify them with the Truth. We must realize the Truth so that we cannot continue in them. Until we don’t fortify these areas, we will continue to suffer and the blessing of God cannot flow in us.
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