January 13, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


Rest, for the Lord will Take Care Everything

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After telling Ruth not to fear the next thing Boaz said is for her to remain resting for the night. The rest! She had to rest on the threshing floor knowing that Boaz would look after her! The picture couldn’t be any clearer for us. Testing and trials will come for the refining of our faith but what the Lord is after is that attitude which places the problem at His feet, remaining restful in the midst of the trial.

There is only one thing that prevents us from entering into this rest, and that is unbelief. Often, when we have problems, we are restless. Do you think Ruth spent the rest of the night tossing and turning thinking “Will Boaz really redeem me? Does he really loves me? – Oh what’s going to happen?” No way! She believed him and had a good nights sleep! Read Hebrews 4 – it states that there remains a rest for the people of God and that “we who believe enter the rest.” So rest for the night.


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