2 Pet. 2:22 “They prove the truth of this proverb: “A dog returns to its vomit.” And another says, “A washed pig returns to the mud.”
In a fellowship church, you will see these two kinds of people: the Prodigal Sons and the Prodigal Pigs. Initially, it’s hard to tell them apart, but time always tells the difference. The Prodigal sons as we know, are those true children of the Lord that may have wandered in the world at some time. But being true children, they will never be happy there and will always return home.
On the other hand, we have these prodigal pigs. They are the opposite of the prodigal sons. They have not truly been saved, but come to Church and for a season, will wash themselves and clean up their act. But having the nature of a pig, they will never be happy in the Church and given time, they will always return to wallowing in the mud! This is what the Apostle Peter is telling us about them in the verse above.
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