February 10, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


Eternally Saved

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Once the Lord had given you Eternal Life, you can never lose it. No one can take it. That’s why it is called “Eternal” Life. You have it eternally.

One time, a young man who was been tied up between grace and works about his salvation emailed me. He believes he is saved by grace but worries that if he doesn’t see enough change in his life or doesn’t have enough good works that Jesus will “spit him out of His mouth”. Such a thought essentially comes back down to works not grace. The salvation of a genuine believer isn’t ‘daisy chain salvation.’ It isn’t ‘He loves me, he loves me not. He loves me, He loves me not.’ A born-again believer has the hope (which is a confident expectation based on the promise of God who cannot lie!) that ‘He who began a good work in you WILL carry it on to the day of completion’ (Phil 1:6). Jesus, as our priest forever in the order of Melchizedek is able to save ‘completely’ all those that come to Him for salvation.


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