December 4, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


Let the Spirit of God Take Over

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My wife Sarah is really good at playing piano. She’s the one playing it in the church and is pretty handy on the black and white keys. I in contrast, couldn’t even play a half-decent song. Though I really love it, I think I’ll just stick to playing guitar. On the other hand, when Sarah sits on the piano and plays, a beautiful sound comes forth. It is pleasing, with great melodies and a wonderful rhythmic harmonious sound. But if it is I who will sit at that same piano and play, the only conclusion one can come up with is that there is something terribly wrong with that piano. It must be busted. It now gives disharmony and discord every time I play. The piano no longer has rhythm. Foolish piano!

But maybe, just maybe, it is not the piano’s fault! Just possibly it all depends on who’s controlling it. When it’s my wife, it is good. When it is me, its bad. This is also same with our lives. When the Holy Spirit is free to quietly work in a person’s life then the results are obvious – The harmonious sound of love, joy, peace, goodness… Yet the opposite can also happen when we rebel and take control and do our own thing resulting in the clanging and disharmony of a self-driven life.


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