Gen. 24:58-59 “And they called Rebekah, and said unto her, wilt thou go with this man? And she said, I will go. And they sent away Rebekah their sister, and her nurse, and Abraham’s servant, and his men.”
Rebekah was willing to go with servant sent by Abraham even though she have not yet meet Isaac. She is willing to leave everything that she has, including her family, home and possessions to become Isaac’s wife. These all without even seeing Isaac yet! She was 100% committed to the man she had never seen!
Being the Bride of Christ, we need also to be separated for our Lord, and for Him alone. The Greek word for the “Church” is “Ecclesia” which means the “called-out ones”. As His bride, the church consists of those that have been called out of the world and its system to be separated unto Him. Like Rebekah, we have not seen our Lord Jesus with our physical eyes yet, but we are called to be His wife. May we be like Rebekah, giving ourselves wholeheartedly to the one Who wholeheartedly gave Himself for us even though we have not seen Him yet.
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