Isa. 43:18-19 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
I believe we have the tendency to think of the Lord as the God Who was and the God Who will be, but not as the God Who is. We are amazed by the great things that God had done in the past, of how He parted the great Red Sea, how He stopped the sun for Joshua, how He brought back Lazarus to life… and we rejoice in all of them! We also look forward to what He has promised to do, like His coming for the Rapture, the resurrection of the dead, His Millennial reign. We gain hope from all of these. But what about now? What about the great I AM, the God of today? Do we believe that He is still the ever-powerful God even today?
This is what He is telling us in the verses above. He is telling us that He will do something new for us today. IF YOU ARE ALIVE TODAY, THEN IT IS NOW YOUR TIME. It is now your time to experience the amazing things that God had done yesterday and will do tomorrow. It is now your time to have an amazing story written by God just like He did to people of the past and the future. It is now your time that the God of yesterday and tomorrow will be a God of today to you. SO DON’T WASTE THIS TIME. For it will be remembered by the people of tomorrow. No longer will your only source of hope be the things of the past and the things of the future. No. You will experience something amazing yourself today. God will prove to you that He is alive and that He is also the God of today.
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