Mat. 16:27 “For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.”
Because it is new year again, it is this time of the year again that many Pastors are teaching the false teaching that believers should give their seed-tithe or seed-faith offering to the Lord so that they will have financial abundance the whole year! They also add that the more you give, the more financial richness you will receive from the Lord.
I hope you are not one of those you got scammed by these Pastors through this false teaching. If this teaching is true, then the Apostle and the early Church should have been millionaires since they have given all they had. They give not because of the false lie that they will receive financial richness the whole year. They give because of the need that they saw upon the believers. Those who has the need are the ones being given, not the pastors!
This act of giving to the needy will surely be rewarded by the Lord. And these rewards are not material richest nor money as taught by many ministers today. It will be foolish of you if you just want money and if you think it is just money. Our reward is heavenly that no one can destroy. You are disappointed because you believe that your reward is money and that you will receive it in this life, but the truth is, the Bible told us that our reward is heavenly (Mat. 16:27, Eph. 1:3, Rev. 22:12).
You are called Wise Virgin, be wise therefore and don’t be fooled.
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