December 4, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


We will be Forever with the Lord

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1 Thes. 4:17-18 “And so shall we always be with the Lord! Therefore comfort one another with these words”

The Bridegroom is coming for His Bride. And from that moment on, we will be forever with our Lord. And we need to comfort one another by these words. Indeed, how comforting are these words are! Even earthly marriage is intended by God to last for life because it is a picture of our relationship with Him – which is forever.

The rapture, the catching up of believers to their Savior in the air, is that meeting point. And it is very very very good news! This is a word of comfort and hope because we are not just waiting for someone else. We are waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ! That has always been the hope and expectation of the Church and I hope it is your hope too!

Now, don’t let some so-called scholar “spiritualize” these passages away to try make it mean something else because the meaning of these promised are so simple. They mean exactly what they say in the plainest most literal sense. The Lord Jesus is literally and personally coming just as a Bridegroom literally came to receive His Bride.

He is coming. The Rapture is coming. The translation is coming. The wedding is coming. Make sure you are part of it!


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